Why the crypto crash saved me hours each week
The crash "rebalancing" of the crypto market was not all bad.
Unpopular opinion, I know. But here's why:
I spent a large amount of time on crypto and web3 topics in the past year and consumed all kinds of blogs, podcasts, tweets, discord channels and memes. Staying on top of everything in crypto is extremely hard (and hardly possible). Over the past year I have constantly been replacing my sources of information. And the recession in the last six months led to some serious mariekondo-ing of my inbox and subscriptions. So being able to slow down without increasing FOMO was something I appreciated a lot.
One rule of this newsletter is to always bring you some kind of value (even if it’s just a good story). Today is no exception.
I know that some of you didn’t dip their toes into crypto water yet but would like to change that. (Despite the hours and money I put into this, I am only a little above the ankles myself.) To save your time and sanity, I have done all the reading, listening and doom-scrolling on all things crypto.
Following lots of people on Twitter or joining uncountable Discords won’t get you crazy life-changing alpha (= secret information that helps you to stay ahead of the market). Instead, I’m gonna share with you the three most useful newsletters to stay well informed without missing all your kids’ soccer games or your partners’ birthdays. If you don't feel like signing up to three newsletters at once – go with only the first one:
The Milk Road (newsletter, daily, Mo-Fr, 3-5min read)
CryptoNat (newsletter, weekly, 5-10min read)
The DeFi Edge (newsletter, weekly, 5min read)
All of them are written in plain jane English and with 30min per week you should be off to a good start.